How pT Enhance Revolutionized The Personal Training Industry
Believe it or not… We haven't always been the World's #1 most complete All-in-One system for personal trainers to run (and grow) their business with ease.
15 years ago, it was nothing more than a dream. Here's our story…
Can You Imagine Sacrificing 15-hours Almost Every Single Day for 3-years, all for Nothing?
Sleepless nights… thousands of hours behind a computer… countless meetings… intense research…
Even moving to the opposite side of the world for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
All for nothing.
Down the drain.
Hi, my name is Gary Crozier, founder of ptEnhance.
On August 14th, 2007, I was about to face my biggest fear.
The day that would determine if my vision had legs, or…
If it would flop – and a waste of 3-years of my life.
For most of my life, I lived with chronic unforgiving-pain throughout my entire body.
You see, from childhood through to my late 30’s…
I suffered more injuries and major surgeries than any human should bare, including…
Needless to say – Strict exercises programs became my life.
I first started weights at 11-years old.
By the time I was 14, I was training friends in my parent’s garage…
Training became my obsession!
Despite my constant body pain, (and with nothing more than pure GRIT & determination), I was also a high-level athlete in Rugby, Soccer & Basketball.
Needless to say…
My body became even more of a wreck!
In 1997 I met a man who changed my life.
His name is Paul Chek – Founder of C.H.E.K Institute.
I had already been a personal trainer for several years when I started working with Paul, as one of his clients.
Along with my physical rehabilitation with Paul, I was also working tirelessly to transform and grow my own personal training business.
In the year 2000, I was awarded "International Personal Trainer of the Year"
It was a few years later when I first came up with my ‘crazy’ idea.
I had a dream that wouldn’t leave my mind.
My vision was to create...
The world’s most complete, all-in-one, software to systematise the way personal trainers run their business.
Little did I know the enormous sacrifice that followed…
Tweeeenty thoooousand!
That’s how many hours I and the ptEnhance team put into creating this software.
With nothing more than a hope and dream.
(And a trail of failed attempts that would stop most).
Yet, I took one more leap of faith.
I packed up my life in Australia and moved to the U.S.
I went ALL IN!
Well, my vision was always GLOBAL not local.
And there were about 5,000 trainers in Australia.
Whereas the US had over 250,000!
It was all or nothing.
Make or break!
Fast forward 11-years to today?
Oh boy. I’m proud to say…
ptEnhance has exploded to over 18-countries around the globe…
It houses all of the C.H.E.K training, assessments, questionnaires and dozens of articles & videos LIVE INSIDE the ptEnhance software for Health and Fitness professionals to educate themselves and their clients.
Trainers from all over the world access them to grow and run their business, with ease.
But that’s only the tip of the iceberg…
I’d always envisioned our software to help trainers easily manage their clients — and run their entire business — in a quick, simple and easy streamlined way!
Like child’s play.
When even complete “computer-fearing-technophobes?” could use the system to save time with onboarding, managing, and updating their clients… and ultimately make more money in less time!
From ONE platform.
Including their own personalized website engage with their clients, create courses, sell programs, products and more!
Today, pT Enhance is the #1 system for Fitness Professionals to run and grow their business to all new heights!
Our community is exploding across 18-different countries around the world, and it’s not slowing down!
This serves proof that an undeniable and powerful movement has awakened in our industry.
Growing your business doesn’t have to be a struggle any more.
15 years ago – I had a wild dream… to help YOU find ONE system that ‘does it all’.
And finally – technology has caught up!
Hundreds of global trainers are saying ‘Goodbye’ to technical headaches.
No longer will you stress about creating new programs or paperwork.
No longer will you have a high churn rate of clients and desperate to always find more.
Everything you’ve ever dreamed of having is inside ptEnhance.
It’s been an amazing journey so far… But our story only gets better when you’re a part of it.
Here’s what to do next to “Try-us-out”…
Start your 30-day Free trial
Like having a dream Personal Office Assistant 24/7 that never takes a vacation or sick days!
No credit card required
I look forward to supporting your business growth!
To your success,

Gary Crozier
Founder of PTEnhance